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Bourne Grammar School Science Block
Bourne Grammar School, Science Department and Laboratories, Lincolnshire.

The success of the building design lies in the close collaboration between ourselves, the headteacher, the business manager, teaching staff, and the pupils themselves. Together, we have created a sensitive, purposeful, and stimulating learning environment that meets the needs of pupils aged 11-16 with a wide spectrum of learning difficulties. It was a joy to receive enthusiastic design input from a sixteen-year-old prefect at one of our meetings.
The design incorporates innovative features such as oversized, textured roof lights to create distraction teaching tools. All classrooms face south, with solar shading, to capture the beautiful meadow panorama, bringing the outside into the teaching spaces.
The building is characterised by distinct materials, textures, and colours to identify different spaces.
Funding was secured through a successful Academy CIF bid to relocate the existing school to a new site.
The landscaping and lighting design ensure the protection of existing bat species found on the site.
Project Highlights:
- Sensory and multi-sensory suites
- Therapy suite
- Illuminated sensory garden
- Main hall and studio with folding screen to open into a single space
- Community use hall and meeting rooms
- All classrooms with passive ventilation
- Wide corridors and easy-mapping circulation
- Specialist, dedicated areas for art, science, food technology, and DT

7 Goddards Lane
The Theatre Chipping Norton
Chipping Norton
Sheraton House
Castle Park
CB3 OAX​​​

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