New Specialist School Boarding House
The school’s mission is to provide a caring, supportive, and challenging learning environment. It seeks to help students overcome barriers to learning, reintegrate successfully into local mainstream schools or other education providers, and thrive within the wider community.
The design proposal retains the footprint of the existing building while modifying certain internal layouts to achieve the following:
Transform internal courtyards into integrated landscaped and sensory spaces for outdoor learning.
Create one-to-one and one-to-two breakout teaching spaces linked to main classrooms.
Incorporate specialist teaching facilities, including spaces for science, art and design technology, food technology, and other subjects.
Integrate sensory and multi-sensory spaces within the building fabric.
Provide staff social, work areas, administrative spaces.
Enhance WC facilities, including improved disabled WC and changing amenities.
Add ancillary residential accommodation comprising 12 en-suite boarding bedrooms. These will operate Monday to Thursday evenings to accommodate boys who board for one or more nights a week, including those who live further away from Chalk Hill.
The ancillary accommodation also includes 4 en-suite staff bedrooms, a common room including kitchen, lounge, dining room, laundry, and other supporting facilities.
These spaces are designed to provide a comfortable and supportive environment for students staying overnight, fostering an atmosphere that promotes the development of socialisation skills. Furthermore, these facilities have direct access to the existing external courtyards, seamlessly integrating indoor and outdoor spaces to enhance the overall functionality and experience of the school environment.

7 Goddards Lane
The Theatre Chipping Norton
Chipping Norton
Sheraton House
Castle Park